6-26-2018 Non Compliance

On 6/26 approximately 5pm the Beaverton van was set up on SW Canyon Lane and was out of compliance. By our estimate the sign was set up at over 575 yards from the van. Well beyond the allowed 400 yards. Posted speed is 40mph.

A little editorial; In addition to that the way in which it was tucked in tightly to the bushes shows intent of concealment. We have been told it’s a deterrent not a trap.






Algers 3/24/2011

On 3/24/2011 around 5:30PM one Beaverton van was located on Algers Ave between SW Allen & SW 5th. Please note that the van was not in compliance with ORS 810.438 2(e)(B). The signage was located only 259 feet from the van, It should have been another 40 feet away.

Algers3-24-113 non compliance

Sign only 260'

If you want a larger version of the file you can download here.

No nighttime early warning

I made an interesting observation with the Beaverton radar vans last night.
If you have ever seen the vans at night, you know that the speed sign on the back of the van is like the sun at noon day. When that thing lights up it gives everyone within a quarter of a mile ample warning. I ran across the vans last night and made a very interesting observation. The operators position the display parallel to the road so it isn’t easily seen by the cars as they approach the van. Continue reading