13,000 Tickets has helped?

Running since 2008 the photo radar program seems to only of had a marginal effect on safety. That is the reason for photo radar, right. According to a study by the city of Milwaukie, it isn’t very clear if photo radar has had the desired effect of making the streets a safer place. Some numbers do indicate that accidents are down on Hwy 224. The city seems to be happy with the program; it frees up their officers to deal with other, more important issues. Read the full article on OregonLive.

Beaverton van not in compliance

For anyone who receives a ticket from Beaverton taken on 6/16/10 at 9800 SW Beaverton-Hillsdale Hwy.
You should know that the van was not in compliance with Oregon Statutes. They require that the signage be placed at a minimum of 100 yards.
Tonight the signage was placed at only 90 yards. If anyone needs picture evidence to present if they go to court, here you go.